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Training Rural Early Educators (Project TREE)


The goals of Project TREE are:

  1.  Increase the number of well-qualified EI/ECSE professionals entering the field and working in rural settings by graduating 40 Master’s degree students eligible for Colorado ECSE Specialist Licensure upon program completion.

  2. Review and enhance course offerings to more effectively prepare professionals in three critical national, state and local need areas: collaboration, consultation, and coaching; working with children and families from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds; and appropriate and effective use of assessment data to guide goal development and instruction. 

Number of supported Students

Project TREE has funded 47 students from Colorado and beyond. New scholarships are no longer being awarded.

The map of TREE scholar locations

map of tree scholar locations

Project Tree Staff

Rashida  Banerjee, Ph.D.

Rashida Banerjee, Ph.D.



Kay Ferrell, Ph.D.

Kay Ferrell, Ph.D.

Professor Emerita


Tracy Kelley, M.A.

Tracy Kelley, M.A.

Project Coordinator


This project is supported by grant #H325K140111 from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
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